MY Background
I worked over 25 years as an engineer and leader in technology. My first passion was Networking. Eventually, I moved to Security and other technical disciplines. Check out my resume if you are so inclined.
For eight years, I also moonlighted teaching Networking and Security courses for Baker College. Teaching ignited a passion for serving and helping others. It shaped nearly every aspect of how I approach leadership and life. I remain very grateful for that experience.
Most recently, I served as CISO and a Vice President in Engineering for Credit Acceptance. I was fortunate to work with an incredible group of skilled colleagues. In 2023, I stepped down to focus less on technology, and more on people and giving back.

About This Website
This site started in 2005 as a place to post Networking guides and labs for students (under the name Unexpectedly, it morphed into something more.
I heard from people around the world, who found the site and enjoyed the clarity of the content. They used it in their studies, to prepare for job interviews, or even as reference in their daily jobs. That was both humbling and invigorating.
In 2010, I took a hiatus from teaching, but kept online. Updates were rare. To my surprise, people still kept coming back and reaching out.
Now in 2024, I am thrilled to relaunch the site as All Networking content from is still here. Expanded content includes lessons I learned in Leadership and Security. I hope you find it valuable. I will try to update more frequently.
Content on this site will always be free. Giving back is awesome. I hope it will inspire you to give back too.
Thanks for stopping by. Best wishes to you!